***************************************************************** Boeing 737-500 Chilean Air Force ***************************************************************** Repaint: Armando Weinberger and Raul Glasinovic V. Any comments: e-mail: siro@interactiva.cl or rglasino@hotmail.com Original Designer: Sorry for not credit for the orignal *.afx builder. Because there is not e-mail or such information that I can add the name of him/her. TO DOWNLOAD THE LATEST CHILEAN FILES VISIT: "CHILE'S FLIGHT SIMULATOR PAGE" http://www.webhost.cl/~sirro or http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/3215/ GENERAL: The Chilean air force uses the the B737-500 as the main presidential aircraft, Presidential Aircraft are : Boeing 737-500 Boeing 707 Gulf Stream III Beech King Air 200 REPAINT: By Raul Glasinovic V. This is my third intent to repaint an aircraft here are a list of my others works: 1.- 707-200 Chilean Air Force (Presidential) 2.- 707-200 Chilean Air Force (Carrie Air Force crews) And Iquque Scenery for fs95 and fs98 By Armando Weinberger: This is my eigth intent to paint an aircraft here are a list of my other works: 1.- Lan Chile 747-100 2.- Lan Chile Bae 146 3.- Ladeco Bac 1-11 4.- Lan Chile A320 5.- DHC6 Twin Otter Chilean Air Force 6.- Ladeco 737-300 7.- King Air 200 Chilean Air Force Because of the shortage of good afx , I decided to paint direct to the textures of the better visual models. Thanks to Ronald Burger for his help. INSTALATION: For FS95 you must have the FS95 converter instaled, copy the *.air and *.mdl files to your fs95/pilots folder and the *.*af files to your fs95/texture folder. For FS98 you must use and convert this aircraft file. LEGAL STUFF: This file is freeware, please don't ask for money. 1998 Armando Weinberge, Raul Glasinovic V.