Control 98-V5.40 - Panel Manager, Sound Manager and Texture Editor Supports Michael Seger's Aircraft Manager AIRMAN2.ZIP on updated 27 December 97 - added panel viewer in panel change area updated 31 December 97 - added lots of functions to manage panels updated 01 January 98 - automated the data update form updated 02 January 98 - added more functions to the forms updated 03 January 98 - added function and new screens updated 05 January 98 - edit of scenery texture files now available updated 10 January 98 - general enhancements updated 11 January 98 - added sound management features. updated 20 January 98 - removed the need for control.ini removed extra lib and dll needs update 25 January 98 - removed the need for makelist.bat all files created within Access update 14 February 98 - Added situation viewer and run fs98 from viewer Added enhanced features in Update Data Form update 21 February 98 - Sound management and playing now functioning minor graphics enhancements update 01 March 98 - Graphic enhancements - select own paint package Situation/Adventure loaders rewrite. Tested in PSP version 5 and works fine. update 03 March 98 - Minor enhancements - Aircraft Details now shows both aircraft and panel SMALL.BMP pictures. update 13 March 98 - Minor bug fixes created by the tinking I did - should always leave alone what works! updated 02 May 98 - Added support for Michael Seger's Aircraft Manager AIRMAN2.ZIP available on update 01 Jun 98 - implemented Forcefeedback edit support minor changes throughout the program I M P O R T A N T Requirements: Microsoft Access 97 for Win 95 or MSAccess Run Time Application (available at Paint Shop Pro for Texture Edit or a BMP graphics editor The default path for FS98 of: c:\program files\microsoft games\flight simulator\ This path length combiled with the other function calls to applications within control 98 are causing file errors. For example to run the paint program the instructions passed are similar to below: c:\program files\paint shop pro\psp.exe c:\program files\microsoft games\ flight simulator\aircraft\textures\1.bmp These long path instructions in some cases have caused Control98/Access 97 to simply not carry out the full instruction. Eg the paint program is loaded but it can not find the file to edit. The resolution for this in my case occurred by default - I have a drive dedicated to Flight Sim 98 Eg: J:\Ftsim98 - (2gig) because I am greedy and have just about every aircraft and panel and sound files that I can find and like on it. Not so important This program was created to make Panel Management much easier but as usual I have got a little carried away and added some useful tools to allow convenience for editing aircraft. Some of these tools that I use have been around for quite some time in particular the TEXTURE TO BMP and BMP TO TEXTURE stuff and I am not too sure who to thank for them and I appologise in advance if I offend anyone. The program is becoming very mature now and ready for full production I am now using it so much to manage my aircraft and quickly change or edit the texture files for aircraft and images for panels. Please use this with caution remembering that I developed this to meet my needs however, if you find it useful that feel free to use it. Garry J. Smith email: (at last my own domain)