FS5/FSFS Convair CV-600 of Frontier Airways original cv240 afx by K. Waugh, Reworked and repainted by Harry Follas NOTES FOR CONVAIR CV-600 VERSION 1.0 ********************************************************** Copy .AIR files to your PILOTS directory Copy all .#af files to your TEXTURE directory Having completed modifications to Frank Safrenek's CV-580, adding Rolls Royce Darts making it a CV-640, it was a natural progression to turn Convair's baby twin, the CV-240 into a CV-600 (also with the RR Dart Turboprops). I must give credit to the following: S.Homma for the original Dart cowlings and prop blades, borrowed from the FREEFLIGHT WORKSHOP'S NAMC YS-11; K. Waugh, T.Gibson and R.Boehringer for the original CV-240 afx. Harry Follas chinook@ihug.co.nz