Newsgroups: From: ag300@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (David Dutton) Subject: Description of Bogey jpegs - read me first Organization: The National Capital FreeNet Date: Sun, 24 Jul 1994 18:32:07 GMT Here are some descriptions of my second series of Bogey jpgs. Bogey4.jpg is Bacall and Bogart in scene from Key Largo Bogey4a.jpg is Bacall and Bogart in scene from The Big Sleep Bogey4b.jpg is Bogart alone from Casablanca Bogey5.jpg is Bacall and Bogey at premier of Key Largo Bogey5a.jpg is Bogey and Bacall in scene from To Have and Have Not Bogey5b.jpg Bogey, a portrait, circa. 1944 Bogey6.jpg (two parts) Bogey, a portrait, circa. 1937 Bogey6a.jpg (two parts) Dooley Wilson at the piano in Rick's Cafe, with Bogart and Ingri\ d Bergman Bogey7.jpg A classic portrait of Bogart Bogey7a. (two parts) Claude Rains issues the order, "Round up the usual suspects" as Bog\ ey and Bergman look on in Casablanca Bogey8.jpg Bogart and Hepburn in water tank during filming of The African Queen Bogey9.jpg Bogart and Hepburn in scene from The African Queen Hope this satisfies the fans for now. I have more in my library, as yet unscanned. I'll \ try to accommodate any requests.