Tenchi Muyo screen cap collection volume #2 =========================================== 47 screencaps all under 1.44 megs! Recorded from the Tenchi Muyo Special. They're also recorded off a video tape so the quality is much worse than volume #1. Sorry. :( --addendum-- Hi all, I'm uploading this on behalf of Derek Liu (aka: Lancer). This is a (hopefully) uncorrupted ZIP file containing screen shots taken from the Tenchi Muyo Special OAV. They are not as good a quality as the first volume of screen shots, but IMHO are pretty good nonetheless. Derek's hoping to get the LD version within a month or so, and (given he can get access to a video capture board again) he might take screenshots from that instead. Anyway, enjoy. Jeremy Phillips. aka: Sailor Uranus Email: jphil@tartarus.uwa.edu.au