TF ranking plot

For a given enriched motif, all human TF are ranked by the statistical  − log10(P − value) assessing the anti-correlation level of candidate Master Regulator TF expression with average DNA methylation level for sites with the given motif. As a result, the most anti-correlated TFs will be ranked in the first positions. By default, the top 3 most anti-correlated TFs and all TF classified by TFClass database in the same (sub)family are highlighted with colors blue, red and orange, respectively.

TF ranking plot: family classification

Shown are TF ranking plots based on the score ( − log10(Pvalue)) of association between TF expression and DNA methylation of an enriched motif in the LUSC cancer type. The dashed line indicates the boundary of the top 5% association score. The top 3 associated TFs and the TF family members=(dots in red) that are associated with that specific motif are labeled in the plot

## Retrieving TFClass family classification from
## Retrieving TFClass subfamily classification from
|                                                    |  0%                      
|====================================================|100% ~0 s remaining       
|====================================================|100%                      Completed after 0 s
## $HXA9_HUMAN.H11MO.0.B
## Warning: ggrepel: 66 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
 TF ranking plot: For a given enriched motif, all human TF are ranked by the statistical $-log_{10}(P-value)$ assessing the anti-correlation level of candidate Master Regulator TF expression with average DNA methylation level for sites with the given motif. As a result, the most anti-correlated TFs will be ranked in the first positions. By default, the top 3 most anti-correlated TFs, and all TF classified by TFClass database in the same family and subfamily are highlighted with colors blue, red and orange, respectively.

TF ranking plot: For a given enriched motif, all human TF are ranked by the statistical  − log10(P − value) assessing the anti-correlation level of candidate Master Regulator TF expression with average DNA methylation level for sites with the given motif. As a result, the most anti-correlated TFs will be ranked in the first positions. By default, the top 3 most anti-correlated TFs, and all TF classified by TFClass database in the same family and subfamily are highlighted with colors blue, red and orange, respectively.

## attr(,"split_type")
## [1] "array"
## attr(,"split_labels")
##   X1
## 1  1